Headache on Top of the Head in Strongsville

The headache on top of the head originates in a familiar area. Skull pain can travel to this area. The headache on top of the head is another pain situation involving pain that just keeps coming back. This is likely referred to pain or pain that does not originate there. Here's how our Strongsville chiropractors at Upper Cervical Strongsville can help.
Top of the head Headaches in Strongsville
Stress in life can cause the muscles in the neck and shoulders to become quite tense and uncomfortable. What happens so much of the time is that prolonged sitting doing computer work or the like can cause a buildup of lactic acid in the muscles causing pain. So the neck and shoulders stress can be the triggers for this problem.
The origin of the referred pain is then in the neck and shoulders. Yes, a lot of the time it works that way. Also, you are programmed to build up stress in your spine because of the bad posture you have.
No, I do not mean the posture that you think you can control but the posture you get after years of injuries not being corrected. The muscles of the neck can become very tight when trying to create balance in trying to hold an 8-pound head in as good as a position as possible.
Working better at home as well as at work can be very helpful in solving future and present difficulties. Getting the posture corrected can help a great deal.
When you have a headache there are also some accompanying symptoms such as irritability, difficulty sleeping and back or neck or joint pain or other muscular or joint problems.
The headache on top of the head comes from somewhere and that is the C1 area. Upper cervical care is practiced by Dr. Fiorini of Strongsville, OH.
9:00am - 1:00pm
2:30pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
2:30pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
2:30pm - 6:00pm
Upper Cervical Strongsville
10750 Pearl Road Suite E2
Strongsville, OH 44136
(440) 238-8225